While there is no consistent grade or difficulty scale across all publishers and their publications, Pepper strives to present you with a consistent difficulty rating scale for large and small ensemble music, as well as solo works. We are especially careful to include difficulty levels for music performed by student musicians.
Some grading in the State & Festival list menu navigation varies from the Pepper standard levels. These grading systems are established by each organization.
The list below roughly equates with most school music program settings. There are many variables in grading and programming; therefore, concerts may contain music of different difficulty levels. We encourage you to use the preview option available for many titles in our catalog to determine the best music for your situation.
For band, orchestra, and solo and ensemble music:
B: Beginning Level (first concert)
VE: Very Easy (first year)
E: Easy (years 2-3, typically middle school)
ME: Medium Easy (Year 3-4, typically junior high and high school)
M: Medium (high school)
MA: Medium Advanced (collegiate and accomplished high school)
A: Advanced (professional)
For choral music:
VE: Very Easy
E: Easy
ME: Medium Easy
M: Medium
MA: Medium-Advanced
A: Advanced
Piano music is graded differently based on the type of music.
Piano Methods and Teaching Pieces:
PR: Pre-Reading
EE: Early Elementary
E: Elementary
LE: Late Elementary
EI: Early Intermediate
I: Intermediate
LI: Late Intermediate
EA: Early Advanced
A: Advanced
Piano Popular and Sacred Music:
F: Five Finger
BN: Big Note
EZ: Easy
M: Moderate
A: Advanced
Classical Piano Repertoire:
S: Standard Edition